Friday, December 21, 2007

all in a days work

Its 5 o'clock, I haven't showered and I'm still in my PJ's, which coincidentally have acquired an unknown stain at the right hem. Very odd. At any rate, I was just catching up on today's stock tradings and perusing the New Yorker's archives, when I came across this picture of those supposed lesbians that form Russia's pop band t.A.T.u

And then I thought, do animals ever think their fellow animals are crazy? For instance, say a dog were frolicking in the park, and he came across another dog that was rolling around in its own shit, would dog A think, "motherfucker is crazy". Furthermore, do animals have the capacity to make those kinds of judgements? If so, that means that animals also have the capacity to reason.

The thought follows, craziness is a concept that is construed when an action does not follow the contrived practices that make up day-to-day reality. Laws and other social/cultural rules are in place not just as a gentle reminder of how we should function within society, but also to perpetuate certain standards and conventions that solidify what is considered "normal" behavior. Drive on the left. Eat with utensils. No sex between first cousins.

It's when we do things that are out of the parameters of what is considered "normal" that we get labeled crazy. It is acceptable to think about going against the norm. However, these are just "finite provinces of meaning" that like day dreams are, "...enclaves within the paramount reality marked by circumscribed meanings and modes of experience" (Berger and Luckman). Stay too long in your finite province of meaning and motherfucker is crazy. And really, from there it's a stones throw away from talking in third person i.e "Cheney's going to go up the path and then straight to the snatch, you see?"

That said, I still don't understand why financially profiting off deception and the murder of hundreds of thousands of innocent people can be considered normal. Just based on sheer demographics, 300 people who conduct that sort of behavior does not trump the 303 million who don't. So I ask, who's making the rules here? These people are crazy and need to be locked away!!

Awww, but Salty Academic, its Christmas...Ok, then we'll just have to tickle them to death.

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