Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Off the beaten track

Every Wednesday I check out Rob Breszny's freewill astrology in hope that it will illuminate the cosmic order of the coming week. And as is most often the case, Breszny's horoscope leaves me more perplexed than enlightened. But its part of my weekly interweb reading habits, and as such, one that I just can't quit.

This week though, Breszny offers Leo's some sage advice, which I believe coincide with the laws of intention that all humans should abide by.

Here he states that Leo's should chant this mantra, a poem written by Andrea Carlisle to spiders, several times a day:

I am now receiving many fine fat flies in my web. My web is strong and masterful. My web is irresistible to all the attractive creatures I like to nibble on. I am amazingly clever and extremely popular. Even now, hundreds of juicy tidbits are headed toward my web.

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